Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Feets are wets!

When/Where: On a walk with my jacket on
My Mood: Um, pick me up, my feets are wets!

I love to go outside.  I am not a fan of the rain.  I love my jacket 'cause it is "sunny".  I don't mind rain hitting my head, but for some reason I hate it on me feets!  I walk slow and Mommy calls me a "lollygagger"  - whatever that means.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Artsy Noodles

When/Where: on the back of the couch, looking artsy fartsy
My Mood: Posey Like

There are like a million pictures of me on my mom's phone, but I found this one and thought I looked artsy fartsy, so I wanted to share.  Shortly after this was taken I slipped off... Well, the blanket slipped off the couch and I found a much more comfy pillow to sleep on.  Oh well, that's what slippy leather couches do.