Sunday, January 16, 2011

I was so good!

Mom posted about me on her blog.  Check it out.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


When/Where:  Walking down the street in Tahoe
My Mood: Pretty confident

It appears as if I am walking alone in the picture, but I can assure you that there are 6 people behind me and 3 dogs.  Notice what a leader I am... Notice how I am forging a trail for the others.... Notice how smart I look in my jacket.  Yes, you can bow down to me.  Bow to the Wow, thank you.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011


When/Where: Cabin in Tahoe over the Holidays
I'm Feeling: Terrified and Excited and FAST!

I had such a great time up in Tahoe getting to know my cousins!  But one of my cousins named Izzy liked to chase me, and quite frankly I was not a fan.  This is an action shot of my sprint through the living room during one of our many "games".  She also liked to punch with her paws and body slam... I think she is destined for the WWE, or some sort of cage fighting.